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Universally unique identitier.


scalar UUID

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ApiUser object ● cloneCollectionToGroup mutation ● Collection object ● CollectionGroup object ● collectionGroups query ● CreateApiUserInput input ● CreateCollectionGroupInput input ● CreateCollectionInput input ● CreateHeroGroupInput input ● CreateLivestreamInput input ● CreatePbsShowInput input ● CreatePbsVideoInput input ● CreatePresentingSponsorInput input ● CreatePromoInput input ● CreatePromoMessageInput input ● CreateStationCredentialSetInput input ● CreateStationShowInput input ● CreateStationUserInput input ● CreateStationVideoInput input ● CreateUserInput input ● CreateViewerInput input ● CreateWatchHistoryInput input ● CreateWebhookInput input ● deleteCollectionItems mutation ● DeleteCollectionItemsContentIds input ● deleteWebhook mutation ● HeroGroup object ● heroGroups query ● homeScreenData query ● Livestream object ● nextVideoForPlayback query ● normalizedCollection query ● NormalizedPromo object ● normalizedShow query ● NormalizedShowFor object ● normalizedShows query ● normalizedVideo query ● NormalizedVideoFor object ● normalizedVideos query ● PbsShow object ● PbsVideo object ● pbsVideoByPbsId query ● PresentingSponsor object ● Promo object ● PromoMessage object ● recommendedShows query ● schedule query ● Schedule object ● ScheduleItem object ● searchPromos query ● searchShows query ● searchVideos query ● similarShows query ● StationCredentialSet object ● stationLivestreams query ● stationPresentingSponsor query ● stationPresentingSponsors query ● StationShow object ● StationVideo object ● trendingShows query ● UpdateApiUserInput input ● UpdateCollectionGroupInput input ● UpdateCollectionInput input ● UpdateHeroGroupInput input ● UpdateLivestreamInput input ● UpdatePbsShowInput input ● UpdatePbsVideoInput input ● UpdatePresentingSponsorInput input ● UpdatePromoInput input ● UpdatePromoMessageInput input ● UpdateStationCredentialSetInput input ● UpdateStationShowInput input ● UpdateStationVideoInput input ● UpdateUserInput input ● UpdateViewerInput input ● UpdateWatchHistoryInput input ● updateWebhook mutation ● UpsertWatchHistoryInput input ● User object ● Viewer object ● ViewerContinueWatchingVideosFilters input ● WatchHistory object ● WatchHistoryFilters input ● webhook query ● Webhook object