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Station credentials for external services.

type StationCredentialSet {
createdAt: DateTime!
id: String!
livestreamComClientId: String
livestreamComSecretKey: String
pbsMediaManagerPassword: String
pbsMediaManagerUsername: String
pbsMembershipVaultPassword: String
pbsMembershipVaultUser: String
station: Station!
stationId: UUID!
updatedAt: DateTime!


StationCredentialSet.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references ● String! non-null scalar references

StationCredentialSet.livestreamComClientId ● String scalar references API client ID.

Must be associated with a secret key.

Encryted at rest.

See: StationCredentialSet.livestreamComSecretKey

StationCredentialSet.livestreamComSecretKey ● String scalar references API secret key.

Must be associated with a client ID.

Encryted at rest.

See: StationCredentialSet.livestreamComClientId

StationCredentialSet.pbsMediaManagerPassword ● String scalar references

PBS Media Manager API password.

Must be associated with a PBS Media Manager API username.

Encryted at rest.

See: StationCredentialSet.pbsMediaManagerUsername

StationCredentialSet.pbsMediaManagerUsername ● String scalar references

PBS Media Manager API username.

Must be associated with a PBS Media Manager API password.

Encryted at rest.

See: StationCredentialSet.pbsMediaManagerPassword

StationCredentialSet.pbsMembershipVaultPassword ● String scalar references

PBS Membership Vault API passwordf.

Must be associated with a PBS Membership Vault API username.

Encryted at rest.

See: StationCredentialSet.pbsMembershipVaultPassword

StationCredentialSet.pbsMembershipVaultUser ● String scalar references

PBS Membership Vault API username.

Must be associated with a PBS Membership Vault API password.

Encryted at rest.

See: StationCredentialSet.pbsMembershipVaultPassword

StationCredentialSet.station ● Station! non-null object references

StationCredentialSet.stationId ● UUID! non-null scalar references

StationCredentialSet.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

Returned By

createStationCredentialSet mutation ● deleteStationCredentialSet mutation ● stationCredentialSet query ● stationCredentialSets query ● updateStationCredentialSet mutation

Member Of

Station object