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Watch history records for viewers.

Most fields on this type are just "denormalized" data from the related device, viewer, station, and video/show.

See: Device, NormalizedShow, NormalizedVideo, Station, Viewer

type WatchHistory {
completed: Boolean
createdAt: DateTime!
device: Device!
deviceId: String!
deviceType: DeviceType!
eventId: String!
country: CountryCode
stationId: UUID
): NormalizedShow
country: CountryCode
stationId: UUID
): NormalizedVideo
show: Show!
showId: String!
showPbsId: String
station: Station!
stationId: UUID!
stationUpstreamId: String!
updatedAt: DateTime!
video: Video!
videoId: String!
videoPbsId: String
viewer: Viewer!
viewerId: String!
viewerPbsAccountId: String
watchTime: Int


WatchHistory.completed ● Boolean scalar references

Whether this entry is considered completed for the video.

Completed is counted as 97% of the video duration.

WatchHistory.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.device ● Device! non-null object references

WatchHistory.deviceId ● String! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.deviceType ● DeviceType! non-null enum references

WatchHistory.eventId ● String! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.normalizedShow ● NormalizedShow object references ● CountryCode scalar references
WatchHistory.normalizedShow.stationId ● UUID scalar references

WatchHistory.normalizedVideo ● NormalizedVideo object references ● CountryCode scalar references
WatchHistory.normalizedVideo.stationId ● UUID scalar references ● Show! non-null object references

WatchHistory.showId ● String! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.showPbsId ● String scalar references

WatchHistory.station ● Station! non-null object references

WatchHistory.stationId ● UUID! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.stationUpstreamId ● String! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references ● Video! non-null object references

WatchHistory.videoId ● String! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.videoPbsId ● String scalar references

WatchHistory.viewer ● Viewer! non-null object references

WatchHistory.viewerId ● String! non-null scalar references

WatchHistory.viewerPbsAccountId ● String scalar references

WatchHistory.watchTime ● Int scalar references

Number of seconds from the start of the video the viewer has watched to.

Returned By

createWatchHistory mutation ● deleteWatchHistory mutation ● updateWatchHistory mutation ● upsertWatchHistory mutation ● viewerWatchHistory query ● watchHistories query ● watchHistory query

Member Of

Device object ● Station object ● Viewer object