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Livestream metadata and technical details.

type Livestream {
createdAt: DateTime!
description: String
embedCode: String
id: String!
livestreamComAccountId: String
livestreamComEventId: String
transforms: ImageTransformsInput
): URL
name: String!
pbsStationManagerLivestreamFeedCid: String
pbsTvssFeedCid: String
schedule: LivestreamSchedule
shortDescription: String
source: LivestreamSource
sourceUrl: URL
station: Station!
stationId: UUID!
updatedAt: DateTime!
weight: Int!


Livestream.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

Livestream.description ● String scalar references

Livestream.embedCode ● String scalar references

HTML embed code (for web platfoms only). ● String! non-null scalar references

Livestream.livestreamComAccountId ● String scalar references

Account ID for a livestream source.

Must be paied with an event ID (see Livestream.livestreamComEventId).

Livestream.livestreamComEventId ● String scalar references

Event ID for a livestream source.

Must be paied with an account ID (see Livestream.livestreamComAccountId).

Livestream.logo ● URL scalar references

Livestream.logo.transforms ● ImageTransformsInput input references ● String! non-null scalar references

Livestream.pbsStationManagerLivestreamFeedCid ● String scalar references

Feed ID for a livestream delivere from PBS Station Manager.

Livestream.pbsTvssFeedCid ● String scalar references

PBS TV Schedule API feed ID associated with the livestream.

Note: This ID does not appear to always be correct in PBS Station Manager API data.

Livestream.schedule ● LivestreamSchedule object references

Schedule data from PBS TV Schedules Service API.

Livestream.shortDescription ● String scalar references

Livestream.source ● LivestreamSource object references

Livestream source metadata.

Livestream.sourceUrl ● URL scalar references

Stream source direct URL.

Livestream.station ● Station! non-null object references

Livestream.stationId ● UUID! non-null scalar references

Livestream.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

Livestream.weight ● Int! non-null scalar references

Order for all livestreams (lowest to highest) when selecting livestreams of a station.

Returned By

createLivestream mutation ● deleteLivestream mutation ● livestream query ● livestreams query ● stationLivestreams query ● updateLivestream mutation

Member Of

Station object