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Promotional message and CTA for displays across platforms.

type PromoMessage {
backgroundColor: String
transforms: ImageTransformsInput
): URL
body: String
campaignName: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
cta: String!
displayUrl: String
endAt: DateTime
id: String!
qrCodeUrl: URL
startAt: DateTime
station: Station!
stationId: UUID!
targetCohorts: [EndUserCohort]!
title: String
updatedAt: DateTime!
url: URL!


PromoMessage.backgroundColor ● String scalar references

Hex color code.

PromoMessage.backgroundImageUrl ● URL scalar references

PromoMessage.backgroundImageUrl.transforms ● ImageTransformsInput input references

PromoMessage.body ● String scalar references

Promo content body.

PromoMessage.campaignName ● String! non-null scalar references

Internal campaign name.

PromoMessage.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

PromoMessage.cta ● String! non-null scalar references

Short CTA promo text.

PromoMessage.displayUrl ● String scalar references

Shortened version of the url for display to end users.

PromoMessage.endAt ● DateTime scalar references ● String! non-null scalar references

PromoMessage.qrCodeUrl ● URL scalar references

PromoMessage.startAt ● DateTime scalar references

PromoMessage.station ● Station! non-null object references

PromoMessage.stationId ● UUID! non-null scalar references

PromoMessage.targetCohorts ● [EndUserCohort]! non-null enum references

Target cohorts of this promo message.

PromoMessage.title ● String scalar references

Promo content title.

PromoMessage.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

PromoMessage.url ● URL! non-null scalar references


Returned By

createPromoMessage mutation ● deletePromoMessage mutation ● promoMessage query ● promoMessages query ● updatePromoMessage mutation

Member Of

HomeScreenData object ● Station object