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Genre or vibe.

type GenreVibe {
createdAt: DateTime!
deleted: Boolean
country: CountryCode
stationId: UUID
): Boolean
country: CountryCode
stationId: UUID
): Boolean
id: String!
name: String!
pbsShowsWithGenre: [PbsShow]!
showsWithGenreVibe: [Show]!
slug: String!
stationShowsExcludingGenreVibe: [StationShow]!
stationShowsWithGenreVibe: [StationShow]!
type: GenreVibeType!
updatedAt: DateTime!
upstreamId: String
upstreamUpdatedAt: DateTime


GenreVibe.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

GenreVibe.deleted ● Boolean scalar references

GenreVibe.hasAvailableMovies ● Boolean scalar references

Whether the genre or vibe is associated with any movies. ● CountryCode scalar references
GenreVibe.hasAvailableMovies.stationId ● UUID scalar references

GenreVibe.hasAvailableShows ● Boolean scalar references

Whether the genre or vibe is associated with any shows.

Excludes movies. ● CountryCode scalar references
GenreVibe.hasAvailableShows.stationId ● UUID scalar references ● String! non-null scalar references ● String! non-null scalar references

Unique name.

GenreVibe.pbsShowsWithGenre ● [PbsShow]! non-null object references

GenreVibe.showsWithGenreVibe ● [Show]! non-null object references

GenreVibe.slug ● String! non-null scalar references

Unique machine name.

GenreVibe.stationShowsExcludingGenreVibe ● [StationShow]! non-null object references

GenreVibe.stationShowsWithGenreVibe ● [StationShow]! non-null object references

GenreVibe.type ● GenreVibeType! non-null enum references

GenreVibe.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar references

GenreVibe.upstreamId ● String scalar references

ID if the item is synced from an "upstream" (remote) provider (e.g. PBS).

GenreVibe.upstreamUpdatedAt ● DateTime scalar references

Updated datetime from upstream provider.

Returned By

createGenreVibe mutation ● deleteGenreVibe mutation ● genreVibe query ● genreVibes query ● softDeleteGenreVibe mutation ● updateGenreVibe mutation

Member Of

PbsShow object ● Show object ● StationShow object